hello everyone and welcome to 2013!
I hope all of you are having a wonderful start to your new year and welcome to my last semester of genetic counseling graduate school!
I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I want to do with this blog once I graduate and I think that I may start a new blog chronicling my life as a young professional. I am hoping with my graduation will come job offers (hopefully before graduation), an engagement (::fingers crossed::) and an overall new start in my life. With all of those changes I think it seems fit to close this chapter and blog and begin with a new one....but we are getting ahead of ourselves! We still have 4 months of blogging and stress ahead before my new life of not being a student (which I have been for twenty years now) begins.
I am now back in Columbia with my tail between my knees and started my first week of rotation last week. Once again, being home for such a long time and having to return here is always hard, but the next time I will be going home for an extended time it will be for good....and I could not be more excited.
What lies in front of me is hours of work related to thesis, exams, rotations, and finishing up my education before being thrown out into the real world, where I can be a genetic counselor full time. The idea terrifies me and excites me all at the same time, I am so ready to work in the profession that I love but I am also worried about leaving the comforting life of being a student. Now that I am twenty six I guess it is time to get a move on....so here I go.
One thing I love about the start of the semester is the influx of loan money! Since my apartment is SO much cheaper than it was last year, that means I have a little extra to spend. Now don't worry, I didn't go overboard but with a new semester comes new things including a thing or twenty.
Now I have to blame Cassie a little bit for this (just kidding)....but we are very bad influences on each other. Plus, she went back to Atlanta this weekend which means I had to spend more money since I had no one to hang out with ( I am really terrible at being alone!).
There is something to be said for retail therapy so I thought I would show you what I bought!
Beauty |
So of course I bought some new beauty things. All of my youtube beauty bloggers have been talking about there 2012 favorites and I have also been seeing some new things popping up on Pintrest that I wanted to try.
The first thing is the
Herbal Essences Shampoo in Long Term Relationship. I bought a small size of this conditioner while I was on my last rotation and it smells incredible. Plus it made my hair feel wonderful! I have been using Aussie products for about three years now because I like the price and the fact that I can buy large sizes of the shampoo and conditioner with pumps. But after many years of use, I thought I would give this a try. It is made for long hair to help keep it healthy. I used it today and I am loving it already!
Next I bought a detangler comb by Conair in a beautiful coral color. My baby sister got one of these in her stocking and I was super jealous. I keep this is the shower and use it to comb through my hair after I have added conditioner.
Along the same lines, I bought the
Goody Quik Style hairbrush. I have heard good things about it and thought I would give it a shot. In addition to the bristles it has microfiber cloth pieces in it which help absorb some of the water in your hair after the shower allowing for your hair to dry faster. I tried it today and I did not notice too much of a difference but I am going to keep trying it.
I also bought a
Revlon eyelash curler. All my beauty youtubers swear by curling there lashes. I have never done this and it kind of looks like a torture device, but it is worth a try!
I also bought another
Stay Matte powder by Rimmel. This is by far the BEST powder I have ever used. I love love love it! My color is 003 Natural.
I then bought a new Infallible Eyeshadow from Loreal in
Amber Rush. I have heard raves about this line of shadows and this color in particular. It is rose gold which is my newest obsession! Cannot wait to try it.
I also bought the
Revlon Colorstay Whipped foundation in 200 Sand Beige. I have also heard great things about this from my beauty youtubers and they all claim that it is nice and light which is perfect. I have worn it once and it evens out my skin nicely. I am still getting used to wearing it ( I never wear foundation) but I like it so far.
While I was at Target I explored their seasonal section which has turned into a mini Sam's Club and bought these cotton pads and shaving cream kit for $5 each which is a ridiculous deal!
As a part of my new years resolution, I am going to try and work out at least three days a week which requires more
sports bras. How cute are these?! I got the yellow one on sale for $5!
I also bought some prenatal vitamins. DON'T FREAK OUT! I am not pregnant nor am I trying to become pregnant but as a genetic counselor we always talk about the importance of being on a prenatal vitamin for the health of the mother and future children, plus it is excellent for hair and nail growth! It is just something else to help create a newer healthier me.
That is everything. I hope you are having a wonderful night and I will talk with you all again soon!
T-minus one week until Erin is here :)
its shopping week!
isn't it always?