Thursday, March 21, 2013

March Madness Day 21: Testing Testing 1,2,3

Very rarely are we fortunate enough to have a test moved, but today was that day. We were originally scheduled to have an exam today, but were given the option to move it to next week if we I took the opportunity. With all of the things we need to get done for thesis (we have a format check due tomorrow!) I figured it was the best plan. I am sure I will regret it later on but not today.

Otherwise my night consists of trying to get my thesis format correct. I am beginning to think that the format is actually harder than the than writing the thesis itself!

We are coming in on the home stretch  and I don't even want to begin to think about what all I have on my plate. One thing I do know for sure though, tomorrow I am going to be seeing Taylor Swift in concert and it is going to be amazing! I cannot wait :)

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